While every effort’s been made to ensure this article’s accuracy, and that of the content on our website, it doesn’t constitute legal advice tailored to your individual circumstances. If you act on it, you acknowledge that you do so at your own risk. We can’t assume responsibility and don’t accept
Updated: 4.12.2022 As of 21 March 2022, the Saudi authorities lifted most of the precautionary measures which came in place during the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes removing all restrictions relating to COVID-19 and hence Saudi Arabia is now welcoming pilgrims to visit Masjid Al Haram and Masjid Al Nabawi (together
Saudi Umrah & Tourist Visas 2019 In order to breakdown the current option of acquiring an Umrah Visa, we will start by documenting the timeline since the start of the new Umrah Season of 1441H. [1] Repeat Umrah Fee Cancelled (8th Sept 2019) On September 8th 2019, Arab News reported
CBHUK has received the following circular from the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia (London) and advises pilgrims that the Government of Saudi Arabia is to issue non-adhesive Umrah visas from April 2017. For pilgrims, this means that your tour operator/agent MUST print the visa off once your passport has been
CBHUK announces that the Saudi Visa Application Portal has reportedly been changed to allow one Umrah per Hijri calendar free without paying SR2000 fee. This ruling comes into effect 2.12.2016. Only travelers who had applied before 2.12.2016 or visit for the second time or more in the same Hijri year