Emergency Services in KSA:
In the event of emergency Hajj pilgrims should first contact the Emergency Numbers above.
Nusuk Hajj
Telephone numbers from within Saudi Arabia: +966 9200 31201
Email: Support@hajj.nusuk.sa
Ministry of Health Emergency Contact (KSA)
Tel: 937
You may also contact the Consulate General in Jeddah by phone at +966 (0) 12 622 5550 or the British Embassy in Riyadh at +966 (0) 11 4819 100 or +44 20 7008 5000. The British Consulate General and British Embassy Operating Hours are as follows: Embassy opening hours: Sunday to Thursday, 8am to 3pm (local time), 5am to 12 noon (British Summer Time).
Duty Officers are available for emergency assistance after business hours.
For further information please click here
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