REPORT FRAUD If you are a victim of fraud or think you have been mis-sold a package then fill in the form below and one of our case officers will contact you with further information: YOUR DETAILS: NAME (required) EMAIL (required) 1st Line of your Address (required) 2nd Line of your Address Town/City (required) Postcode (required) CONTACT NUMBER (required) AGENT DETAILS: NAME OF TOUR OPERATOR (required) AGENTS ADDRESS (required) AGENTS CONATCT NAME (required) PACKAGE —Please choose an option—HajjUmrah DATE OF TRAVEL DID YOU RECEIVE: (Tick all that apply) InvoiceATOL CertificateItinerary of your tripReceiptAny other Paperwork PLEASE SUPPLY DETAILS OF COMPLAINT - LIST IN A MAXIMUM OF 10 BULLET POINTS (required) Your details may be shared with Law/Trade Enforcement Agencies for the prevention of crime. We do NOT share your information with anyone else. Please Tick Box To Accept. (required)
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