29/10/11 7:30am
Manchester Airport, Terminal 2
Well be distributing free Mobily SIM cards pick your up! Or fill in the form below and well post one out to you.
a href=http://dobuy.co.uk/cbhuk/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/free-mobily-sim.jpgimg class=alignleft size-medium wp-image-1796 title=free mobily sim src=http://dobuy.co.uk/cbhuk/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/free-mobily-sim-300×133.jpg alt= width=300 height=133 //aGO-Makkah is pleased to announce the signature of a cooperation agreement with strongMobily/strong to offer pilgrims FREE SIM cards for Hajj 2011 season.
The Council of British Hajjis will be distributing these SIM cards for FREE to pilgrims in the UK.
strong[important]To order your FREE SIM card fill in the order form and short questionnaire below. The only charge is postage packaging which is £2 for the first SIM and £1 for any additional SIM Card. Alternatively you may collect for FREE from our offices in Bolton by prior appointment only after Friday 28th October 2011.[/important]/strong
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