The Chosen Servants of Allah, the Hujjaj, are returning from their journeys of a lifetime, all over the world. How should we meet them and is there anything specific that should be said to them?
Read the following words when you meet the returning Haji from the blessed journey:
Qabilallahu hajjaka wa ghafara dhambaka wa akhlafa nafaqataka
May Allah accept your Hajj, forgive your sins and recompense your expenses. (At-Tabrani)
From the Fadhail-e-Haj (Virtues of Haj) by Shaykh Zakariyya Kandehlawi (RA):
Hadith No. 8
Ibn Umar (ra) reports that Rasulullah (sws) said
“When you meet a haji (on his way home) then greet him, shake hands with him and ask him to beg forgiveness of Allah on your behalf before he enters his home, for his prayer for forgiveness is accepted since he is forgiven by Allah for his sins.”
In another hadith it is mentioned that Rasulullah (sws) once prayed,
“Oh Allah, forgive the sins of the hajis and forgive the sins of him for whom the haji prays.”
It is reported that Rasulullah (sws) made this dua three times which emphasises its importance.
It is also reported that Umar (ra) said,
“The haji has the pardon of Allah and until the twentieth of Rabi al Awwal Allah answers his prayers in which he begs forgiveness for anyone.”
For these reasons it has always been the custom and habit of the learned predecessors to welcome the pilgrims, to walk with them and to ask them to pray on ones behalf.
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