National Hajj & Umrah Meningitis Vaccination (ACWY) Service
London, Monday 13th June, 2011
The Council of British Hajjis (Pilgrims), a national pilgrim support charity will be holding a clinic at the Hajj and Umrah Travel Expo to give support to Hajj & Umrah pilgrims to have their meningitis vaccination at cost price, including FREE immunisation certificate.
The vaccinations will take place at the Hajj & Umrah Travel Expo on:
Saturday 25th June 2011 | 2:30pm – 5:30pm
Venue: East London Mosque & London Muslim Centre
46-92 Whitechapel Road, London W1 1JX
(By Train: Whitechapel Station, Zone 2)
You will need to book and pay in advance by calling the National bookings hotline: 0845 833 4145
Cost £25 per ACWY (Meningitis + FREE Certificate)
Download the Booking form
These clinics come after a series of pilot runs since 2008 and demand from the community. Rashid Mogradia, CEO at the CBH said “We have carried out and extensive study and it transpires that the cost of ACWY varies from town to town with some GP’s charging anything from £35 to £80. It is clear that the Hajj & Umrah industry provides a lucrative business opportunity for many, however people are often compromising their health and putting themselves and others at risk by not innoculating and in some cases forging certificates of immunisation which is required for a Hajj or Umrah Visa. It is all about looking at the whole supply chain in making the journey of a lifetime more affordable”.
Other Clinics across the UK
- Bristol/Gloucester: 2nd July & 17th Sept 2011 – CONFIRMED, Bookings being taken
- Yorkshire: 8th July and 9th September 2011 – CONFIRMED, Bookings being taken
- North West: 2nd, 16th & 18th September 2011 – CONFIRMED, Bookings being taken
Notes to Editors:
- The Council of British Hajjis (the CBH) is a voluntary organisation working at grass‐roots for the welfare of British Pilgrims. The CBH runs pre‐Hajj & Umrah health and safety advice seminars and ran the country’s first Hajj & Umrah specific travel vaccination clinics and is the first and only UK Hajj and Umrah specific organisation which has partnered with the FCO’s Know Before You go Campaign to bring about key travel tips and advice for all travellers. CBHUK have also raised a national volunteer doctors & healthcare professionals recruitment campaign to support the clinics planned across the UK.
For all media enquiries or for further info contact CBHUK on tel: 0845 833 4145, email: info@the‐ , www.the‐ or . - ACWY vaccinations is in line with the Saudi authorities requirements that all pilgrims or persons from abroad wishing to enter Hajj sites must provide proof of vaccination against meningitis administered a minimum of 10 days prior to arrival and a maximum of three years, with authorities in the country of origin also administering adults and children of two years of age and over the ACYW135 vaccination. The cost of ACWY varies across the country with GP’s charging anything from £35 ‐ £80, discouraging many to take the inoculations and putting themselves and others at risk. The cost and health impact is far greater when pilgrims return back to the UK infected and the costs to the NHS in treating them.
- The Hajj People Ltd are the organisers of the Hajj & Umrah Travel Exhibition 2011. Tel: 0208 558 1069.
- Click Here to downlaod the Event Poster (London – Hajj & Umrah Travel Expo 2011)
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