A Group of doctors and volunteers will be on hand during the days of Hajj to provide Medical Support and Assistance at their Clinic in the Europa Zone in Mina.
The British Hajj Delegation provides ‘on the ground’ medical advice, support and basic GP treatment and has been functioning for over ten years now.
All the Doctors are from the UK and act as volunteers and therefore are not paid for their time and work. Many of the Doctors need to find a locum (Doctor providing temporary cover) at their own costs to cover their work whilst they are away from their surgeries or clinics.
We are a not-for-profit organisation and are not funded by any Government Departments.
Support our work and donate and be part of the reward of Hajj.
Contact: info@the-cbh.org.uk or enquiries@britishhajjdelegation.org.uk
This initiative is supported by the British Muslim Community, The Council of British Hajjis
Useful Contact Details
British Consulate-General, Jeddah:
Tel: 02 622 5550
Fax: 02 622 6249
Ministry of Hajj (Makkah):
02 530 8200
Ministry of Hajj (Jeddah):
02 647 7551
Emergencies in Saudi Arabia:
Ambulance 997
Police 999
Traffic Accidents 993
The Council of British Hajjis
+44 (0) 845 833 4145
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