Hajj ‘hits’ the UK Hajj & Umrah
Hajj & Umrah Newsletter – March 2012
Assalamu alaikum,
It feels like Hajj only took place yesterday and we are now well under way to preparing for Hajj 2012 which takes place in October this year. The Umrah season is also in full swing with many people booking their Easter break to spend 2 weeks away on spiritual retreat to the holy cities of Makkah & Medinah. Since our last newsletter the World Hajj & Umrah sector has seen historic events take place here in the United Kingdom. The British Museum launched the ‘Hajj Exhibtion: Journey to the heart if Islam’ which runs until 15th April 2012 which was opened by HRH Prince of Wales and definately worth the visit (details below).
The World Hajj & Umrah Convention 2012 (WHUC) saw delegates from around the world attend a 2 day convention to share ideas and look at ways to better serve pilgrims – a world first!. The CBH also launched its National Hajj & Umrah Vaccination program 2012 at the WHUC at the prestigious British Museum which is now well underway and over 500 people have already been jabbed up – a UK 1st!
As a community we should be proud of these great achievements which has opened up a new opportunity of understanding and dialogue on Hajj and what the fifth pillar of Islam means to Muslims worldwide. We continue our outreach work to provide support for pilgrims and deliver education & training on health & safety at Hajj & Umrah and addressing consumer issues (see upcoming newsletter) on booking a pilgrimage.
Peace be with you all.
Rashid Mogradia
Founder, CEO – CBHUK

Volunteers, Doctors, Nurses and professionals sought for our Hajj & Umrah Vaccination Clinics in the UK – Join the UK’s leading charity and other professionals like you email us your CV today! |

Hajj & Umrah Vaccination Service 2012
Since 2008 we have ran vaccination services for pilgrims by delivering community clinics at grass roots in key towns and cities across the UK by making vaccinations more affordable and accessible. Meningitis ACWY vaccination and proof of immunisation is a mandatory requirement for a Hajj & Umrah visa and is valid for 3 years. Protect yourself and your family and book your jab now at a clinic near you. This year we have partnered up with local Mosques and community centres to increase the service.
Next Clinics: Northwest 09/03/12, 17/03/12, South East: 12/05/12, Midlands 16/06/12, Yorkshire: 20/06/12 more venues and dates on our website www.cbhuk.org |

World Hajj & Umrah Convention 2012
The two-day World Hajj & Umrah Convention was held at the British Museum to discuss problems being faced by the stakeholders including tour operators, airlines operators, hotels and banks representatives and suggested some proposals to address them. Key note speaker Tan Sri Abi, Chairman of Tabung Haji Malaysia – a government body which is chiefly responsible for managing pilgrims from Malaysia lauded the organizers for convening the conference for the first time in UK and said some 3 million Muslims from across the world perform Hajj every year of which 25000 go from Britain . Similarly some 8 million Muslims from all over the world annually visit Saudi Arabia to perform Umrah of them 66000 are from Britain. That means that the Hajj and Umrah sector is very important. |

British Hajj Delegation
A group of 4 doctors led by Lord Adam Patel delivered a ground breaking service for pilgrims during Hajj 2011 (1432AH). With over 1000 consultations in just 5 days the doctors worked round the clock. This year the team for 2012 has already been formed and is around 15 members strong. The CBH sent medicinal supplies and donations to help treat the guests of Almighty Allah. To get involved or to donate please email us. |

Hajj Exhibition
The British Museum must be congratulated for pulling off a historic exhibition ‘Hajj: Journey to the heart of Islam’. The exhibition sold out to audiences the first weekend that it opened. During the exhibition, visitors are met with the recitation of prayers and images of pilgrims, making them feel as if they are walking alongside the pilgrims. The exhibition gives visitors a glimpse of the journey every Muslim must make at least once in their lifetime as a testament of their faith. It was also pleasing to see that the CBH Hajj packs made it to the exhibition! The CBH gave away over 7 pairs of tickets to our twitter (@cbhuk) followers to attend the exhibition… feedback was all very positive and not to be missed.! |
UK’s leading charity Supporting Pilgrims through education and grassroot activities Since 2006.
The CBH … Serving the guests of Almighty Allah.
Be part of the reward of Hajj DONATE TODAY! |
Image Credits: British Museum – Hajj certificate (detail). 17th-18th century AD. © Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art (Khalili Family Trust). BHD Picture © Dr M. Jiva. WHUC Photo © Hajj People Ltd / Photo by: Wessam Hassanin. |
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