Top Hat Productions, an independent television production company specialising in ground-breaking documentaries, is making a brand-new BBC series capturing the exceptional journey of some of Britain’s Muslims as they perform Hajj in 2017.
The Hajj with Nadiya (working title) will aim to educate a British audience about the purpose and process of the Islamic pilgrimage undertaken by millions of Muslims every year. The two-part documentary series will be witnessed through the eyes of Nadiya Hussain – winner of The Great British Bake Off – who is a devout Muslim herself and previously completed her Hajj in 2013. It will also document the uplifting and emotional stories of some of Britain’s other Muslims who are embarking on the spiritual pilgrimage this year, following them as they navigate across Mecca and Medina to complete the most significant trip of their lives.
If you or a member of your family or friends are performing the Hajj this year and would be interested in finding out more about the project, please contact me on
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