Health Requirements and Recommendations for Travellers to Saudi Arabia for Hajj and Umrah 2019/1440H The Ministry of Health in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia issued this document to address the health requirements and recommendations for visitors traveling to Saudi Arabia for the purposes of Umrah, Hajj, or seasonal works
By Shamim Ali The Council of British Hajjis (CBHUK) will be providing FREE Pilgrim Welfare Support to British pilgrims during Hajj 2017/1438H. We will be providing the following services: On the ground welfare support for British Hajjis Provide Health & Safety Advice Provide Medical Support (Via our partners) Liaison with
Written by Mr M. Imran Zia BSc MBBS MRCS FRCEM PgDip (Med Ed) Consultant in Emergency Medicine Whipps Cross Hospital, Barts Health, London Rather than giving a didactic lengthy narrative these articles will instead focus on the common medical themes leading up to, and then during the days of Hajj themselves.
Written by Mr M. Imran Zia BSc MBBS MRCS FRCEM PgDip (Med Ed) Consultant in Emergency Medicine Whipps Cross Hospital, Barts Health, London Rather than giving a didactic lengthy narrative these articles will instead focus on the common medical themes leading up to, and then during the days of Hajj themselves.
Written by Mr M. Imran Zia BSc MBBS MRCS FRCEM PgDip (Med Ed) Consultant in Emergency Medicine Whipps Cross Hospital, Barts Health, London (Last reviewed and updated 12.07.2022) Rather than giving a didactic lengthy narrative these articles will instead focus on the common medical themes leading up to, and then during
First: Regulations must be met by visitors to obtain an Entry Visa for Hajj and Umrah: 1- Yellow Fever a) In accordance with the International Health Regulations 2005, all travelers arriving from countries or areas at risk of yellow fever (listed below) must present a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate
Health Regulations for travellers to Saudi Arabia for Umrah & Pilgrimage (Hajj) – 1434 (2013) First: Regulations must be met by visitors to obtain an Entry Visa for Hajj and Umrah: 1- Yellow Fever a) In accordance with the International Health Regulations 2005 , all travellers arriving from countries or areas at